Prologue - The Beginning

Part 1: Beginning

Legendary Wizard: Oh my, I can't believe it actually worked!!!!!

Summoner (You): Huh? Where am I?

Legendary Wizard: Well you are in Arcane World.

Summoner: Why am I here?

Legendary Wizard: I summoned you here for one purpose is that Arcane World is in Chaos by the Darkness!!!!!

Summoner: What?! I thought you defeated all of them!!!!!

Legendary Wizard: Well I really did defeat Dark Tyrant Wizard, but somehow he has returned to bring more Chaos to this World. This is why I summoned you here to help my crew, you know Battle Tactics right?

Summoner: Well, maybe?

Sword Fighter: There he is, get him!!!!!

Legendary Wizard: Crap! How did this Soldier found me!!!!! Anyway summoner, I will teach you the ways of battle.

Battle Condition:

Team Heroes: (1 player only)
- Legendary Wizard

- Sword Fighter

Legendary Wizard: Well that is the end for him, it is all thanks to you really. You've learned fast.

Summoner: I maybe inexperienced but I am learning the Battle a lot from you.

Legendary Wizard: I am glad you enjoyed it, anyways I need to find my Commander. She said meet her at her Home Base.

Part 2: Cooling Commander

Water Princess: Master, you came back! Wait, who is this with you?

Legendary Wizard: Commander, meet Summoner. He is a great Battle Strategist. I summoned him for our cause to stop the Darkness.

Summoner: Although I am a little inexperienced, I should be okay.

Water Princess: Yeah, as long as we are together.

Sword Fighter: There they are, kill them!

Legendary Wizard: What the?! How did they get here?

Summoner: They must have followed us to our Home Base.

Water Princess: We have to defeat these goons before they cause anymore trouble. To Battle!!!!!

Battle Condition:

Team Heroes: (1 player only)
- Legendary Wizard
- Water Princess

- 2 Sword Fighters

Legendary Wizard: Commander, where is Light?

Water Princess: She is on the Scouting Mission, currently no information has send to us.

Summoner: Well it is the best to find her before she got into any mess.

Legendary Wizard: Agreed, lets find her and bring her back.

Water Princess: I will lead the way.


Part 3: The Flaming Truth

Light Princess: Oh Commander Water.

Water Princess: I am so worried about you. Any enemy activities so far?

Light Princess: Well earlier, I spotted some guy or wizard that is in red hair and he creates fire to make campfires for Darkness's Minions.

Legendary Wizard: That sounds like Fire Mage!!!!!

Summoner: We gotta get him back somehow!!!!!

After they approached to the camping site

Fire Mage: I am working with Dark Tyrant Wizard, all of you will fall to the Darkness.

Legendary Wizard: Fire Mage hear me out, I need you to stand down and rejoin our crew.

Fire Mage: If you want me to rejoin your crew, prove that you are stronger so the contract with Dark Tyrant Wizard will break.

Legendary Wizard: Do we must resolve in Battle?

Water Princess: You heard him, we must engage to free him.

Battle Condition:

Team Heroes: (1 player only)
- Legendary Wizard
- Water Princess
- Light Princess

- Fire Mage
- Sword Fighter
- Axe Fighter
- Lance Fighter

Fire Mage: Well done, you broke the contract. Now I am freed, I will return to your crew.

Legendary Wizard: We got Fire Mage back!!!!!

Water Princess: Yeah, that was a tough one.

Light Princess: Commander!!!!! We just receive a report about Darkness approaching to our Home Base!!!!!

Water Princess: That doesn't sound really good at all, we need to run back fast before they destroy our Home Base.

Fire Mage: Agreed

Summoner: It was a distraction all along!!!!!

Legendary Wizard: We got to hurry if we want to save the World.

Summoner: Right!!!!!


Part 4: The Invasion

Dark Tyrant Wizard: I have been waiting for you.

Legendary Wizard: You! I have defeated you before and I can do it again.

Dark Tyrant Wizard: Who is that with you? No matter, this person will die. Oh Raven, help me slain this person for me please.

Raven: As you wish!!!!!

Legendary Wizard: Nooo!!!!! He got Raven, one of the Powerful Swordsman from the World of Elrios.

Water Princess: Don't worry Summoner, we will protect you.

Summoner: I hope that crazy doesn't kill me.

Light Princess: We won't let it happen to you.

Battle Condition:

Team Heroes: (1 player: take all Heroes to battle. 2 players: Choose 2 Heroes each.)
- Legendary Wizard
- Fire Mage
- Water Princess
- Light Princess

- Raven
- 2 Sword Fighters
- Axe Fighter
- Lance Fighter

Raven: I suspected more from the battle. Next time we meet, I will not make the battle easy.

Legendary Wizard: That was a tough fight.

Light Princess: We fend off their attack, for now.

Water Princess: It is getting crazy really fast.

Summoner: I hope the Crazy War will end someday.

Legendary Wizard: Yeah, me too.
